Memories of Hawaii

The original works of art are professionally photographed on transparency film.  Meticulous attention is given to every detail to ensure the best possible results.  The lighting, camera settings, exposure times, etc. are calculated, tested and adjusted until the artist and photographer agree that the image on film captures as closely as possible the original vision and intent of the artist. Multiple exposures are made of each art piece to provide flexibility and alternatives when processing, and several tests must be run and analyzed before the transparencies can meet the quality standards required for the DyePrint reproduction process.

The DyePrint technology involves a unique separation negative process. Transparencies are electronically scanned and stored as high resolution digital files. Under the artist's tutelage, images are edited for color balance, contrasts, tonal range and sharpness. Image processing also includes the routine cleanup and repair of any imperfections found on the original works. The modified file is then output to an Iris ink-jet proof for review and artist approval. 

Upon approval, the same file is used to produce continuous-tone resolution cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK) separation negatives for final printing.  Negatives are produced to size and contact exposed one at at time on standard chromogenic color paper.  Following the four exposures, the finished print is developed in a standard RA-4 processor.

The separation negative procedure offers numerous advantages.  Where typical optical enlargements involve painstaking darkroom gymnastics, the DyePrint process does the work digitally. The results are then repeatable, print after print, thanks to the consistency of separation negatives.  Density, color and exposure are "locked in", allowing the artist to produce the same quality print again and again.  Contact printing the negatives results in a stable print, exquisitely sharp and free of imperfections.